
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Illegal Aliens: A response to the ongoing Guardian News articles

1. Your Guardian reports (12/12/2017) are funded by the Ford Foundation, a leftist/ communist organization primarily funded by George Soros so I do not expect reality from The Guardian.
2. The USA still has 92 million out of work, many who cannot find a job and gave up.  Many US homeless cannot even find basic employment since it is taken by low-wage illegals.  We do not need illegals, but we do have jobs for MIGRANTS, temporary workers working farm jobs only.  Yet, only 7% of the illegals take the farm jobs, the balance take good middle-class jobs in construction, auto repair, office, and medical professionals.
3. One of articles is 'poor' guy here illegally in the the USA for 70 years.  What! He couldn't apply for legal entry in 70 years?  I have not tolerance for this bull crap.
4. My son was told by a local company that they could not hire him because he did not speak Spanish.  Enough said.
5. If you get deported, take you under 18 years old kids with you, even if they were born here.  If you do not, then this is child abuse and the parents should never have the ability to enter the USA again.  Those 18 years old or more, your on you own and need to follow the law fix your problem.
6. Illegals cost the US and State governments $132 billion per year.  Get rid of them because we need the money for other public needs.
7. Non-US citizens have a path to enter the USA, you do not not have any right to enter.  We will no long allow illegals to use laws written for citizens, for their illegal benefits.
8.  Enough is enough: we the people set the rules and you follow them, if not leave or go to prison.

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