
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Harward University's List of bad sites: Same as conservatives best sites, just missing, 
SiteHarvard LabelsReal Description
americanthinker.combiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
AmmoLand.combiasFirearm news liberals hate
barenakedislam.comhateNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
breitbart.compoliticalunreliablebiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
canadafreepress.comconspiracybiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
centerforsecuritypolicy.orgbiasconspiracyNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
citizensunited.orgbiasPro-free speech group that liberals hate
city-journal.orgpoliticalUrban news that liberals hate
CNSNews.comunreliablebiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
commentarymagazine.compoliticalPolitical opinions that liberals hate
conservativereview.compoliticalPro-Constitution articles that liberals hate
counterjihad.combiasNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
dailycaller.compoliticalclickbaitunreliablePolitical news and opinion liberals hate
dailysignal.combiasPro-Constitution articles that liberals hate
drudgereport.compoliticalbiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
familysecuritymatters.orgconspiracybiasNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
FreeBeacon.combiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
freedomworks.orgpoliticalPro-Constitution articles that liberals hate
frontpagemag.combiashateNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
gatesofvienna.nethateconspiracyNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
heartland.orgbiasPro-business group that liberals hate
heritage.orgunknownPro-Constitution articles that liberals hate
jihadwatch.orgunknownNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
judicialwatch.orgunknownPro-Constitution articles that liberals hate
lifenews.combiasclickbaitPro-Life articles that liberals hate
lifezette.comclickbaitPro-Life articles that liberals hate
nationalreview.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
pamelageller.comconspiracyfakebiasNews about Isamic terror that liberals hate
PeakProsperity.comunknownEconomic facts that liberals despise
pjmedia.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
powerlineblog.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
rightwingnews.combiasunreliablePolitical news and opinion liberals hate
ShadowStats.comunknownEconomic facts that liberals despise
SteveQuayle.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
theamericanmirror.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
TheBurningPlatform.comunknownEconomic facts that liberals despise
theconservativetreehouse.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
theduran.comunreliablePolitical news and opinion liberals hate
thegatewaypundit.combiasconspiracyunreliablePolitical news and opinion liberals hate
theintercept.comunknownPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
therightscoop.comfakeclickbaitVideos of news shows that liberals hate
truepundit.combiasclickbaitPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
twitchy.comclickbaitrumorTweets that liberals hate
unz.comunknownPolitically incorrect articles that liberals hate
weaselzippers.usunreliablebiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
weeklystandard.compoliticalbiasPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
westernjournalism.combiasclickbaitPolitical news and opinion liberals hate
wikileaks.orgunknownGovernment documents that liberals hate
wnd.combiasclickbaitunreliablePolitical news and opinion liberals hate
zerohedge.comconspiracyPolitical news and opinion liberals hate

President Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate

Maybe different father (Frank Marshall)?
Obama a US citizen since mother is a USA citizen, but she was under age for it to count?  Does this meet definition of 'naturally born' USA citizen?

Hawaii's Printout copy of original birth data

Friday, March 10, 2017

Sioux and the Dakota Pipeline

Now for some facts: 1. The pipeline never passes through the Standing Rock Sioux property. 2. The pipeline generally parallels the public road for ease of future access. 3. No burial grounds were gone thru. Archeological teams assess for burial grounds for all public jobs. 4. The pipeline does not pass through the lake/river. A tunnel was dug out 126 ft under the lake for the pipes to pass thru. 5. The Sioux tribe is upstream so no leak near the river evers comes to the Sioux water supply. Oil pipeline is monitored and shutdown if a leak is detected. Oil is organic so decomposes/break downs over time.