
Friday, December 22, 2017

New Tax Reform - More Things to Change

New Tax Reform - More Things to Change

1. Trump pushed for additional tax for Hedge fund managers but it was rejected by congress, probably since congressmen get big donations from these people. 2. The $2,000 tax deduction is fair, the problem being $1,400 cash being paid back to those who do not earn enough. This is money that has been going to illegal aliens so needs to be stopped, USA citizens only. 3. Trump has no plan to cut Social Security net payments. Only talk is adjusting future growth, retirement age. With economy poised for rapid expansion, this will generate extra funds for social security. 4. Healthcare reform is next. a. 75% of people get healthcare through their employers. This group needs to be able to determine what insurance features it's employees need. b. 25% get government assistance for their insurance, but Obamacare set a high level of minimum insurance requirements, that forced prices very high. Need to eliminate minimums or set realistic standards. Military insurance (Tri-Care), Medicare, etc each have their specialized needs. c. Pharmaceuticals: while these costs are well negotiated by private insurance, the current law says that the government cannot negotiate prices - very stupid, but a great way that bad congressmen to get donations.

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